Package com.kosherjava.zmanim.util

package com.kosherjava.zmanim.util
Utility classes for the Zmanim API including classes to calculate sun based times, location information, some formatting and geographic location utilities. Included in this package are implementations for both the USNO and NOAA / Jean Meeus algorithms.
© Eliyahu Hershfeld 2004 - 2022
  • Classes
    An abstract class that all sun time calculating classes extend.
    A class that contains location information such as latitude and longitude required for astronomical calculations.
    All methods in this call are available in the GeoLocation class, and this class that duplicates that code will be removed in release 3.0.
    Implementation of sunrise and sunset methods to calculate astronomical times based on the NOAA algorithm.
    Implementation of sunrise and sunset methods to calculate astronomical times.
    A class that represents a numeric time.
    A wrapper class for a astronomical times / zmanim that is mostly intended to allow sorting collections of astronomical times.
    A class used to format both non Date times generated by the Zmanim package as well as Dates.